Sam Isaacson is a coach

Sam Isaacson is an enthusiastic and experienced coach. He first came into contact with professional coaching as a technology risk consultant – you can read his story as told on Forbes here. After falling in love with coaching, he started one of the biggest coaching services offerings in the UK, before moving to a global role at one of the planet’s biggest coaching providers.

His coaching style is underpinned by his philosophy of Next Generation Leadership captured in his book of the same name. Coaching with Sam makes use of:

  • goal-free experiential coaching, elevating a coachee’s awareness of themselves across every dimension without the unhelpful pressure of linear thinking
  • generative attention, providing coachees with space to think clearly for themselves
  • technology-enabled multi-sensory creativity, including AI-generated artwork, emergent soundscapes, and 3D representations of metaphors and complex human systems
  • experimentation and curiosity, including emerging science such as binaural beats and high-frequency strobes to catalyse brainwave activity
  • non-directive challenge, through exploring unconscious assumptions

He has coached a wide range of people across every sector, with experience having coached people from entry level to CEOs and everything in-between.

He’s been quoted by the Daily Telegraph,, and a range of coaching publications. He often speaks at conferences and on podcasts, with audiences of up to tens of thousands.

Sam is Chair of the Coaching Professional apprenticeship trailblazer group, and sits on advisory boards for several of the big coaching professional bodies.

If you’d like to explore working with Sam as your coach, book a no-obligation meeting with him here.